Migration and Consolidation

Your business is a dynamic entity. The primarily technologies used can get outdated over time due to changing business objectives, trends and operations. Data and databases are heavily affected by change, and can cause great concerns such as:
- Data growth & storage allocation
- Obsolete databases
- Missing features
- Outdated infrastructure and platform
- Isolated & discrete databases & storage
The concerns above can turn into major issues such as:
- Low performance & productivity
- Low security
- Inefficient service delivery
- Complex databases administration
- Data access difficulty
- Time consuming integrated reports
- Data synchronization and transformation issues
- Insufficient storage space
- Lack of physical space
- High maintenance cost
- Abnormal energy consumption
We can assist you overcome your concerns and prevent future issues by designing a complete migration and consolidation plan that includes new infrastructure buildup, new database design, data/meta data transformation, consolidation and quality assurance. In this process we will utilize a combination of data migrating software, best-practice methodologies, and vast expertise to streamline transformation processes and prevent project over spending and delays.

Migration and Consolidation Workflow
- Business requirement analysis
Create migration document
- List of components being transformed (Databases, data/meta data, applications, services and etc.)
- Components’ Dependencies
- Criticality & Priorities
Destination Design (if required)
- New infrastructure and platform design
- New database/data warehouse design
Install data migration tools
- SQL Server Migration Assistant
Produce custom migration application (if required)
- Implement migration
Quality Assurance
- Completeness
- Integrity
- Data access
- Performance