Planning and Configuration

Consider a web application communicating with a database that is supposed to support around 500 concurrent users with maximum 3 seconds response time in all user interface actions. Which types of infrastructure and software with what configuration are required to address that need? Our planning and configuration service will help you identify those types of requirements.
It assists you to take the initiative to determine and validate all necessary hardware, software and their spec, edition, configuration and settings. The final goals are to fulfill your desired future throughput, increase the efficiency of your databases and applications, avoid future performance issues and mitigate potential risks.
Regarding the significant role of infrastructure planning and configuration in both production cycle and overall system performance, it’s required to perform it based on the following timeline.
Planning and Configuration Timeline
Large, high transaction or real-time databases
Prior to design and development - Inadequate planning and configuration not only heavily impacts future performance but it can affect design and development by imposing unexpected changes and additional coding. Planning for storage and I/O capacity of big databases is a high priority task to avoid future disk IO bottleneck.
Small databases
Prior to deployment - Even for small databases, settings and configurations should not be left as default. Changing a simple setting alone can sometimes make a considerable difference in system performance, resource consumption and underlying operations.
Planning and Configuration Work Flow
- Collect and analyze business requirements and determine the final goals
Create a reference requirements document
- Network Topology
- Number of SQL Server Servers
- SQL Server Version and Edition
- Storage and I/O Capacity
- Memory
- Data Availability Plans
Create a reference configuration document
- Operating Systems
- SQL Server Engine
- Databases
- Tempdb Database
- Database Files, File-Groups and Table Partitioning
- Replication
- Data Backup and Restore
- Data Archive
- Security Policies
Implementation (Based on created documents)
- Setup the infrastructure (if required)
- Install and configure databases, applications, service packs, hotfixes and updates
- Deploy databases and applications
Evaluation & update
- Evaluate a database against simulated or actual load
- Reveal and mitigate all potential risks.
- Update configuration settings of the environments
- Update the documents
Final validation and hand off
- Validate the final configurations
- Share and review the document with the client